For all inquiries and research questions please email us at
Please note this is a new email address.
The Estate of Louise Emerson Ronnebeck welcomes inquiries regarding the reproduction of works by Louise Ronnebeck. Copyright of works by Louise Ronnebeck and of many photographs of Louise Emerson Ronnebeck belong to the Estate of Louise Emerson Ronnebeck. Permission to reproduce must be secured in advance of reproduction. Copyright and reproduction fees may apply and all reproductions must be accompanied by correct caption information and copyright acknowledgement. To obtain copyright permission please contact
The Estate of Louise Emerson Ronnebeck encourages scholarly and professionally organized exhibitions of the work of Louise Emerson Ronnebeck and inclusion of her works in group exhibitions that show her work in a new light or context or which show her relationship to the art of her contemporaries. For exhibition inquiries please contact us at
The Estate of Louise Emerson Ronnebeck does not authenticate or appraise Louise Emerson Ronnebeck’s work. If you are interested in an appraisal or authentication, please contact the appropriate appraisal department of a professional auction house or an independent appraiser in your area.
Estate of Arnold Rönnebeck

If you are interested in information about the work of Arnold Rönnebeck (1885-1947), please see his website. Or, contact us at
About the Umlaut:
When writing about Arnold Rönnebeck, please put the umlaut over the “o” in his name. However, Louise Emerson Ronnebeck did not utilize the umlaut, so it is not needed when referring to her.